Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Lent 2010 Devotionals

Do you plan to give up anything for Lent; chocolate, wine, burgers and fries, television or text messaging? Have you considered instead taking up something for Lent; finding a church, making new friends, studying the Bible, or serving other people?

Grow in your faith during this Lenten season with the people of Christ Church Baptist in Rockwall. Indulge your spiritual cravings with a blend of inspiring music, thought-provoking sermons, personal stories, silence, art meditations, guided prayers, and Holy Communion every Sunday during the season of Lent: February 21, February 28, March 7, March 14, and March 21. To help you make the journey, click on the image for a link to the online daily devotional produced by Passport and sponsored by the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, the Presbyterian Church, USA, and the Episcopal Church: or go directly to www.d365.org

Friday, January 29, 2010

Souper Bowl of Caring and Community Conversation

Please stay for lunch after worship on Sunday, January 31st, for the Souper Bowl of Caring and a Community Conversation. A variety of soups will be served. Everyone is invited to give a voluntary donation in the amount of what they would normally pay for “eating out” at lunch on Sunday. All donations will go to the Texas Baptist World Hunger Offering. We will also include in our lunch time plans, prayers, and hopes for Christ Church for 2010.

Come Let Us Reason Together Sunday

This Sunday, January 31st, Christ Church will join many progressive and evangelical pastors and churches around the country in a growing movement titled, "Come Let Us Reason Together." Find out more at: www.comeletusreason.org

Friday, December 11, 2009

CBF Christmas Offering

This year the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship's (CBF)national and international mission focus is on addressing poverty in Arkansas and church starting in China. Christ Church participates in these efforts every Christmas through giving financial gifts through the CBF Offering for Global Missions.

Last year, we gave to build three water wells in India. This year, our gifts will go to support CBF field personnel around the world who are helping be the presence of Christ in places many of us may never go physically. Watch this video and learn more about the vital work going on in the United States and around the world through the CBF Offering for Global Missions.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Habitat For Humanity Build Begins

Christ Church has partnered with Wilshire Baptist Church, Cliff Temple Baptist Church, Union Cathedral, and First Baptist Farmer's Branch on a Habitat build in west Dallas. See the update below from Minister of Missions Wes Keyes at Cliff Temple. It was a record-setting start!

From Wes:
Wow...just wow. I can't say how much of a blessing it was to see over 40 folks come together and begin to build a house. I was blown away by our togetherness, construction acumen, and overall speed at which we worked.

If you haven't heard it already our lead builder from Habitat, named Scooter, claimed that we set a new record (for him at least) for amount of worked completed on day 1 (we actually left the build site around 2:30). That's just awesome!

So awesome in fact that I say we do it again this Saturday! See you guys and gals there!

If you have any questions regarding schedules, food, drink, etc, please don't hesitate to ask. Thanks again!

Grace and Peace,


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Current Sermon Series

What difference does being a follower of Jesus make in your life today? Much emphasis is often placed on the individual salvation of the soul and the afterlife. Yet it is difficult to read the Gospels and believe that the main point of Christianity is “to go to heaven when you die.” Jesus’ teaching about what he called the kingdom of God reveals that life in Christ is not first and foremost about life after death. Neither does the gospel mean that we agree with abstract theological propositions in order to qualify to go to heaven when we die. The gospel invites us to live a new way of life—here and now. Following Jesus means there is a true and genuine “life before death.”

This sermon series explores what it means to experience “life before death” and live into the Lord’s Prayer that God’s “kingdom come and God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

Join us this Sunday for Life Before Death.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Serving Others at The Well Community

Christ Church will be worshiping with The Well Community on Saturday night, August 22nd at 5:00PM. Christ Church will also provide the evening meal beginning at 6:00PM.

The Well is a faith-based provider of mental health services to low-income people experiencing mental illness. The Well seeks to provide a life-giving community of peace, love, and hope.

The Well currently meets in the facilities of Cliff Temple Baptist Church. CTBC is located in north Oak Cliff, just south of downtown Dallas.

Meet new friends and learn more about this vital ministry. Please join us for a great night of worship and fellowship--Saturday, August 22nd.